www.mikesun.com英语硬伤可以治学英语没那么难,每天记住记住几句常用语,就可以告别英语硬伤.What are you trying to say? (你到底想说什么?) It isn't the way I hoped it would be. (这不是我所盼望的。)You will never guess. (你永远猜不到。) No one could do anything about it. (众人对此束手无措。)I saw something deeply disturbing. (深感事情不妙。)
时间状语从句连词练习I.Choosethebestanswer.1. It was quiet ________ those big trucks started coming through the town. It seemed only seconds ________ the boy finished washing his face.
Duolingo 口语 答案 1. describe a time you were temted to lie, What did you want to lie about? why did you want to lie about it?I have always wanted to own a pet cat to accompany me. However, my parents were unwilling to accept a cat to our home since they believed that they would need