摘要:时间状语从句连词练习I.Choosethebestanswer.1. It was quiet ________ those big trucks started coming through the town. B. after A.when C. until D. unless2. It seemed only seconds ________ the boy finished washing his face. A. when B. before C. afterD.if3. Thevolleyballmatchwillbeputoffifit___.A.willrainB.rainsC.rainedD.israined4. ________ you begin, I think you must continue. A. When B. Whenever C. Once D. Even if 5. I recognized you ________ I saw you at the airport. A. the moment B. while C. after D. once 6. He was about to go to bed ________ the doorbell rang. A. while B. as C. before D. when 7.________I listen to your advice, I get into trouble. A. Every time B. When C. While
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