摘要:职场必胜:商务礼貌用语NEW WORDS 新单词1) Affirmative (肯定的,当然): a positive yes, of courseAffirmative, sir, I will be at work on time.当然,先生,我会准时来上班的。2) Casual(休闲的,非正式的): not formal at allIt is fine to dress casually at the party.参加晚会时穿休闲装是不错的。3) Confidence (自信,信任): am sure, trust, believe inI have confidence that Bolynda will do a great job!我相信Bolynda会做得很好!4) Facilitate (帮助,促进,使发生): make happen, make betterRecycling and cleaning up the streets facilitates a better world.废物再利用和街道清洁让世界变得更美丽。5) Formal (正式的,职业化的): serious, business likeDressing formal dress at inns would be funny.在小旅馆穿正式服装显得很可笑。Diologue 对话Polite VocabularyGordon: How is your new job coming along?Molly : It's n
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